Study & Exam Prep Course

What if I have to reschedule my exam?

Contact the state agency and do it 24 hours before the scheduled time.

Complete Practice Exams

In your study material, these exams will prep you for the actual test. They will help you understand what material is on the test and how it is broken down into the different areas you studied.


KNOWING the material is what will help you pass the test, not a secret. But it will help.

This is going to sound really strange but it is true. The exam is designed to test your knowledge early on and based on how you answer is how the software decides how difficult the next set of questions will be. Example: If you answer the first few questions right, the software pulls from more difficult questions. If you get those right, it gives you harder questions, and if you answer those questions correctly it pulls from even harder questions and so on. So basically the better you do, the harder it gets. Remember the testing center is a business and when people have to take and re-take the exams, they make more MONEY! What do you do about it? Learn “The Secret” of beating the system!

(Remember: Regardless of how closely you follow this “Secret” the testing software will still drop a few questions in your way that were not in the study material anywhere. It is meant to try and discourage you. If you run across a question you don’t know DON’T WASTE TIME ON IT, move on. Don’t take time on a question you don’t know when you could move on to a question or two that you do know.)

How to beat the system:

  1. When you arrive at the testing center make sure to use the paper and pencils they will supply you with.
  2. BEFORE you start the test, number your paper according to the # of questions on the test. 
  3. Once the test begins read each question carefully, find the correct answer, and DON’T MARK IT RIGHT! WRITE IT ON YOUR PAPER. (Not just the letter, but the first few words in the answer).
  4. Once you have written the correct answer on your paper, MARK THE ANSWER THAT IS THE MOST INCORRECT on the computer, and then click on “mark for review”
  5. The software will recognize that you got it wrong and will continue giving you questions at or around the same difficulty level. Continue to do this for all of the remaining questions: Find the correct answer, write it down on your paper, mark it wrong on the computer, mark it for review, and move on to the next question.
  6. At the end of the test go back through all of the questions you marked for review and change them to the correct answer from your paper. It may seem odd to do this or feel like it is a waste of time, but we saw an enormous increase in pass ratios when this “Secret” was implemented.
  7. Go pass the test!!!

Take your exam

Follow the instructions you received when you scheduled your test. Take your exam at the testing center or online. 

What if I don’t pass the exam?

Fortunately, you can retake the exam. Some states have waiting periods between multiple tests, so research those before scheduling your next test. Follow your state requirements on signing up for the next exam and pay any additional fees.