Purchasing Your License

Congratulation you passed your test!

You must apply for your license with the state, have a background check, and get fingerprinted. If you have taken your test at a testing center, they will do that right after passing your test.*

For Arizona click here NIPR  to go to the website to purchase your license.

Now that you have purchased your license the next step is to be fingerprinted, this must take place at the testing center but to do so they need proof that you have purchased your license.

If you managed to apply for the license before you left the tasting center then you can do it all in one visit. 

Does my state require fingerprinting? Click here to find out.

Background check & fingerprints: once completed it will automatically report to the state; you may need to also upload proof of citizenship.

The next waiting period is about 5 – 7 days before your license will be approved by the state at which time you will be able to search your state’s insurance department’s website for your license number.