Understanding What Motivates You

Understanding your emotional motivator is the key to mastering the art of competition.

What Drives You?

Competition is at the heart of human existence. From an evolutionary perspective, only the strong survive, whether mental or physical. Life is full of situations that will define you, it is up to you to decide how you will respond. In this business, you will either fail or succeed based on your will to win.

My commitment to you is that I will give you great skills training to reach the top of your game. I will inform you regularly on how you are measuring up in relation to your Key Progress Indicators and others in the company, and last but not least I will Encourage, Praise, and Recognize you for all of your achievements.

Big Events are where you will get to share your success with others in the company. Many people have no idea what it is like to walk across a stage with hundreds if not thousands of people celebrating their success with them. Ultimately you will be recognized for the number of families you are able to help, put another way your recognition is based on the value that you are able to add to your community.

Story Time!

Phil Knight was 26 years old when he flew to Japan to propose to the Onitsuka shoe company the idea of importing shoes to break into the Athletic shoe market. One year later he received his first shipment of Tiger Shoes for his new operation, Blue Ribbon Shoe Company. Taking the first shoes to his track coach, Bill Bowerman, Phil had his first business partner.

Those were the humble beginnings of the largest shoe company on planet earth today. They competed in the big leagues with the most established companies in the industry; companies run by two German brothers with bad blood, Puma and Adidas. Doubling their sales every single year, Blue Ribbon Shoe company became Nike. Today, Nike doesn’t compete, they dominate the marketplace.

Phil Knight was driven to succeed. When he saw others in Adidas or Puma gear, it lit a fire within. He wanted more than anything to see his brand represented by the greatest athletes in the world. His willingness to compete against all odds led him to create the greatest athletic apparel company on earth.

What drives you? What keeps you awake at night? What would you be willing to die for? The answers to these questions will be the fuel that takes you to the top.

Take the time to journal the answers to the following questions:

  1. What am I willing to fight for?
  2. What values do I hold dearest to my heart?
  3. What values would I be willing to die for?
  4. If I could achieve a single thing, what would make all the hard work and struggle worth it?
  5. If I had 30 seconds left to live, what would I tell my children are the three most important things I learned about how to live a happy life?

Begin today and compete. Compete with the status quo. Compete with mediocrity. Compete with the daily doubt you may feel and prove the nay-sayers wrong!

Show the world what you are made of. The cowards never started and the weak died along the way, that leaves us. Just remember, winners never quit, and quitters never win.

I’m grateful to be in business with champions. See you at the top.